Just for world-class tourists! It is a controversial comment about Six Senses resort, Ninh Van Bay in Vietnam that I have accidentally read over on Twitter. It was really a long pause to question myself. How much is too much? Is it really expensive? Does everyone deserve to have it once a lifetime? Though I do not like big words, you are going to see the sexiest resort on earth – Six Senses resort in Vietnam, which has been prized by Smith Hotel Awards, an annual title by evaluating more 950 hotels and resorts.


It strictly follows 12 different criteria voted by 20.000 people to select a reduced list in which three high-reputed judges meticulously come to a final decision. Is the evaluating process complicated? And is that worth staying there? I really wish to try at least once in my next holiday.


Herein, I just want to share some typical photos that surely appeals your sense of traveling very much. I am not a native English speaking man and do not use simple words to express full of the resort’s charm. Just take an entire look! Then you can answer my wonder “How much is too much for a night there?”

I see that romance exists in every single corner and just for couple ONLY.


Once again, this photo strongly shows my point of view about the resort that is just for couple. I feel like on cloud nine. Romance usually goes with luxury. Luxury often must be expensive. The ambiance sounds worth to experience.


No matter how old you are, I bet that you will feel excited about romance and intimacy with your soul mate at nowhere, but the place, where love reaches at peak and paradise opens closely.

An infinity pool that was placed at a well-implied position helps you melt into the nature.

And that bathroom, which sounds the world’s sexiest one, seems to rejuvenate TWO of you. That is why I myself question “How much is too much for the room to enrich your spouse emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually?”. Do you really want that?

If you like my articles (and even if you don’t), or have ideas for topics you’d like to enjoy in the next time, email me know what you think about. And rest assured I always strive to improve the coming articles’ quality.

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